Saturday, April 23, 2016


Instead of saying "God Bless America", we should say, "America Bless God"
Matthew 24:11-13 "Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. 12 "Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. 13 "But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.…On the Mount of Olives, approximately 2000 years ago Jesus Christ was asked by His disciples what to look for directly before Christ's return; when the end would come. Jesus spoke a prophecy which describes "LAWLESSNESS AND WICKEDNESS" would abound in the last days.
Ladies and gentlemen, are we not seeing lawlessness (without law) abounding in our world today? There is a pattern of LAWLESSNESS dominating our society today that throughout history was found in civilizations in the process of decline. History is replete with stories of mighty dynasties that once stood head and shoulders above others but now are gone, vanished. It is a pattern evident in nations that rejected God's Word as the ultimate authority in their lives and in their leaders and in their Governments and now the same pattern is found in America today!
I believe America's rejection of Christ's lordship is the reason behind all the bloodshed, violence, racial hatred, moral decay, corruption, lying, war, drug abuse and outright deadly sexual diseases in our society. For example, lawmakers, educators, leaders and the media have made God and His Word an unspeakable subject. Even worse, many of our churches no longer defend and exalt Jesus Christ as Lord and King. Preachers have become politically correct and will not offend anybody's position on anything for fear of losing their 501C3 tax designation.
I believe the biggest, most serious and numerous act of LAWLESSNESS AND WICKEDNESS practiced today by the American people is the rejection of God and His Word (Jesus). Because man has rejected God and His Word (Jesus), he has been given over to a reprobate mind that seeks self-gratification over responsibility to others. As a society, we have gotten use to illicit sexual relationships, adolescent promiscuity, abortion, cheating, lying, stealing, prostitution, rape, divorce and even murder. Furthermore, we have gotten use to financial mismanagement on both civil and personal levels. We have accepted political corruption. We have rejected personal and social responsibility and have learned to blame anyone or anything else for our problems and failures (our liar and thief is a prime example of that).

The American ideal today is me first, to do what I want, when I want, to whom I want, regardless of who or what it may hurt. These are the signs of the end times, the sign of a society gone wrong because of LAWLESSNESS AND WICKEDNESS.

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