Monday, April 25, 2016




To understand and talk about Islam we have to develop:

·       A rational study of Islam
·       A precise language that breaks the PC/Bigot barrier.
·       Easy to understand
·       Fact-based.
·       A way to separate religion from religion.
·       Complete approach.

The absolute foundational statement that everyone agrees upon concerning what Islam is based on:
                        “There is no god be Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet”

This is the beginning and foundation of Islam, everyone agrees.  So, where do we learn about Allah? The Qur’an?

1st Key to understanding Islam: There are actually two distinct Qur’ans under the same binding of a single book.

·       One written in Medina (36%)
·       One written in Mecca (64%)

These 2 Qur’ans are radically different: the Mecca Qur’an (earlier one) states (Sura 109:1), “You have your religion, I have mine”; the Medina Qur’an (later one) states (Sura 8:12), “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the Kafir (unbelievers). Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!”

NOTE: The Doctrine of Abrogation regarding the Qur’an: “The later verse is stronger than the earlier verse.”  In Islamic logic, 2 things can contradict each other and still be true.

2nd Key to understanding Islam: There are 5 Pillars of Islam which every Muslim must follow; yet there’s not a single verse in the Qur’an that talks about how to do them.  However, there are 90 verses in the Qur’an that tell the Muslim he must imitate Mohammed’s life and deeds.  The life and deeds of Moham-med are not found in the Qur’an, but in the Sira (biography of the Prophet Mohammed) and the Hadith (traditions, the things Mohammed said, and things he performed).

3rd  Key…: There are three lies you’ve been told about Islam.

·       It is a religion.
·       It is a religion based on the Qur’an.
·       Islam is so difficult to understand and so intricate and subtle that you can never really understand it.

The truth is:

·       Only about 14% of the textual doctrine of Islam is actually found in the Qur’an.
·       Put together, the Sira (biographical stuff about Mohammed) and the Hadith (traditions formed around the person of Mohammed) contain 86% of the textual doctrine of Islam.

Therefore, Islam is 14% Allah and 86% Mohammed.  What this means is that we can know a tremendous amount about Islam without knowing hardly anything about Allah!

Thus everyone talks about Islam, but nobody can really tell you what it is - Islam. Here is what Islam it is:

            “Islam is the political/religious doctrine found in the Qur’an, Sira, and Hadith.”

What is found in the Trilogy of Islam is what Islam is; what is not found there is not Islam.

4th Key...: What we discover from the Trilogy of Islam is that it is far more concerned with the Kafir (unbeliever—“Infidel”) than the true believer.

·       64% of the Qur’an is devoted to who are the Kafir and how they are to be treated.  In every case the Kafir are to be treated badly.
·       81% of the Sira is devoted to Mohammed’s war and treatment of the Kafir.
·       31% of the Hadith (traditions) are devoted to the unbelievers (Kafir).

5th Key…: Islam is not a religion, it is primarily a political doctrine.  How do we know this?

            a. The Kafir are completely outside of Islam and can have no part in it.
            b. 60% of all doctrinal writings of Islam deal with “political” disposition of Kafir.
            c. Therefore, Islam is primarily a political doctrine, not a religious one.

“Political Islam is the Islamic doctrine that deals with the Kafir” (unbelievers).
6th Key…: Understanding Jihad.  How much of the Qur’an is devoted to Jihad?

·       Meccan Qur’an   – 0%
·       Medinan Qur’an – 24%
·       Sira                      – 67%
·       Hadith                 – 21% 

Trilogy                             – 31%

How much of Islamic doctrinal texts are related to Jews?

Mohammed’s message can be trusted, the Muslim will say, because he got it from Allah through the Angel Gabriel—and Gabriel is the same Angel who spoke to the Jewish prophets.
Mohammed cast himself in line with the prophets of the O.T.—the scriptures of the Jews.  So, the Meccan Qur’an has stories about the Jewish figures from what we know as the Old Testament of the Bible (The Book, as the Muslims refer to it).

No Jews lived in Mecca, but Medina’s population was 50% Jewish when Mohammed when there.  These Jews rejected Mohammed as one of their prophets.  As a result, the Medinan Qur’an becomes anti-Jewish. In the Trilogy, here is the breakdown of the anti-Jew content:

·       Meccan Qur’an  – 1%
·       Medinan Qur’an –17%
·       Sira                    – 12%
·       Hadith                – 8.9%

Trilogy – 9.3% overall is devoted to Jew-hatred.  By comparison, Hitler’s Mein Kampf devotes on 7% to Jew-hatred.

7th Key…: Knowing how successful Mohammed was from a business perspective.  Looking at the Islamic growth curve, we discover it has 2 very distinct growth regions.

·       Flat for the 13 yrs. Mohammed was in Mecca.
·       Exponential growth during his 23 yrs. during Medinan Jihad.
·       Averaging a bloody campaign of expansion every six weeks for the last 9 yrs. of his life, Mohammed saw every Arab become Muslim.

Had Mohammed never become a politician and a warlord, there may have been only a few hundred Muslims in the world at his death.

Conclusion: The “religion” of Islam was a total failure; whereas the “politics” of Jihad made Islam a massive success.

Summarizing the 4 fundamental facts about Islam:

1. Two Mohammed’s emerge from history—the peaceful religious leader in Mecca; the warlord politician in Medina.
2. Contradictions in the early and later Qur’an are solved (ostensibly) by the Doctrine of Abrogation (later texts overrule earlier texts).
3. In Mecca, no Jihad; in Medina the Qur’an is filled with Jihad.
4. Hatred of the Jew is missing totally from the Meccan texts; but a central theme in the Medinan texts of the Qur’an.

These 4 contradictions give us the true insight into Islam, because these things are all true at the same time. Islam is profoundly dualistic (perhaps even mildly to severely schizophrenic).

·       Islam always has two contradictory things to say on almost every topic it addresses.
·       It is religious; it is political—this gives it a stealth coating.

v Religious cover for its politics.
v Peaceful religion to cover its Jihad.
v Acceptance of Jewish prophets to mask Jew-hatred.

·       Which Islam is the real thing?  Both! And there is nothing you can do about it.

This is Islam greatest strength, for it keeps equitable-minded people off balance—“It is peaceful; or, is it Jihadist?”

8th Key…: Understanding Islamic Ethics.  Islam does not have a “Golden Rule”[2] Instead, it has a dual ethic system: one for believers (fellow Muslims); and one for the unbelievers (Kafir).

·       How are Muslims to be treated? From the Hadith 1) a Muslim never cheats a fellow Muslim in business, 2) a Muslim never touches another Muslim’s wife, 3) a Muslim does not deceive another Muslim.
·       How are the Kafir to be treated? In two ways: 1) as a friend, or 2) as an enemy—and both ways are equally ethical in Islam.
·       Islam practices taqiyya—“sacred deceit”—deception that advances Islam[3].  This means, practically speaking, a non-Muslim cannot expect a Muslim to honor any negotiated treaty or settlement since lying to a Kafir to advance the Islamic agenda is perfectly acceptable—in fact, positively laudable.  Can anybody say President Obama.

How many people have be killed as a result of the Islamic doctrine of Jihad?  Here is a breakdown from available historical data:

·       60 million Christians
·       10 million Buddhists
·       80 million Hindus
·       120 million Africans
Total victims of Islamic doctrine of Jihad (colloquially known as “Kill the Infidels!”) is a whopping 270 million Kafir over 1400 yrs.[4]

9th Key…: Law of Islam saturation.  In short, Muslims slowly moving into a country until their numbers reach political potency, and then taking over the country.  Startling examples:

·       In 600 years, Turkey went from being a Christian nation to being nearly 100% Muslim.
·       This is true for Egypt, a formally Christian nation—remaining Christians are currently being further marginalized by burning their churches, homes, schools, etc. by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
·       N. Africa, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon all formally Christian.
·       Afghanistan was once largely Buddhist.
·       Pakistan and Bangladesh were at one time completely Hindu.[5]

10th Key…: Islam’s treatment of woman.  The breakdown of Qur’anic verses dealing with women looks  like this:

·       15% of the verses hold women in high esteem (that is as mothers, and only as mothers);
·       23% of the verses speak of women as equal to men (but in full submission to her husband);
·       71% of the verses say women are held in low esteem.

The same can be said of the verses about women in the Hadith.  In fact, Mohammed once said he had a vision of hell and it was overwhelmingly populated by women.  When asked why, he said, “Because they were not submissive to their husbands.”

11th Key to understand Islam in recognizing what Dr. Warner calls the “Grand Lie”—that there is only one interpretation of Islam and that is the one offered by the Muslim.
In fact, there are three interpretations of Islam: a) the Believers view; b) the Kafir view; c) the Apologists view.
Bottom line: There are only two valid opinions about Islam.  One is the opinion of Allah and the other is the opinion of Mohammed.  Everything else is just commentary.  Islam is found in three historical sources.  Ranked according to volume of words, these are: the Hadith, the Sira, and the Qur’an.  If it is not found in these books, then, quite simply it’s not Islam.  From this we can confidently say Islam is more Mohammed than it is Allah.[6]

[1] Information in this section comes from Dr. Bill Warner, Director and Founder of the Center for the Study of Political Islam.
[2] “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Jesus said in Matt. 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
[3] The 2000 Camp David Summit was a summit meeting at Camp David between United States president Bill Clinton, Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat. The summit took place between 11 and 25 July 2000 and was an effort to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The summit ended without an agreement. When Yasser Arafat returned to Jerusalem under extreme harsh criticism from the PLO, he responded by saying, in effect, that the negotiations were meaningless because he was employing the Islamic principle of taqiyya  (that is to say, lying to unbelievers to advance the cause of Islam—by gaining their trust in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them).            
[4] I think it is perfectly appropriate to acknowledge this historic and unprecedented “religious” slaughter of 270 men, women and children in the name of Allah during the 1400 yr. history of Islam the next time anyone tries to insist that “Islam is basically a peaceful religion.”
[5] No country has ever not become Islamic hundreds of years after Muslims have entered it. A very sobering thought given the hundreds of thousands of Muslims “invading” Europe in 2015 under the guise of “war refugees.”
[6] Or, if you dare to say it: it’s more the False Prophet than it is God.

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